Sunday, December 4, 2011

Spaten Premium Lager‏--JT's Review

The Spaten lager was part of a sampler that I picked up at Macadoodle's in Springdale. It was a good lighter lager. It would be considered a Munich Style Lager and its website claims that it is the 1st light lager in the world as they started brewing it in 1894. They also say that the brewery itself opened in 1397.

The taste was actually very light, especially since it is 5.2 % ABV. My thing is this: it is a good beer, that would be suitable for a lot of different occasions. Unfortunately, it is not 10.00 a six pack good.

I'm glad I tried it, and I don't mind to pay 10.00 for a six pack. I just need a little more when I do.

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