Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Cooper's Sparkling Ale‏--JT's Review

I have to admit that I was not excited to get this beer home and try it, but I couldn't resist buying it because it was in a 2 for 2 dollars tub at Macadoodle's. I usually don't like Ale's, and the idea of a sparkling ale wasn't very appealing to me at all. It made me feel like the guy at the register was going to ask me to turn in my man card at the point of purchase.

The Cooper Brewery is in South Australia, and has been in operation since 1862. The Sparkling Ale is considered to be an English Pale Ale. It has an ABV of 5.8 %. They leave a little sediment in the bottle almost like an unfiltered wheat beer.

The taste wasn't like a normal ale. It was a little tart initially, followed by a chase of citrus and then a strong bite at the end that I credit to the very high carbonation.

It was pretty good; at least much better than I would have expected. I don't think I could drink a six pack in one sitting because of how sweet it is, but it was a good change of pace. It struck me as the kind of beer that if you drank them all night, you would have an incredible hang over, but a few would be ok.

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