Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Dog and Pony Amber--JT's Review

I have made new friend threw my job named Brian Sorensen. He works at Saatchi and Saatchi X in Fayetteville. Brian is a home brewer and knows infinitely more about beer than I do. I am very humbled to review his work. Today we had a meeting and he shared a bottle of his latest work(I wish everyone I did business with gave me beer). I am not sure that my review can do justice as to how good this beer is.

Brian told me to wait a week or so before I drank it. He said it needed a little more time to mellow the hops out. I couldn't help myself. I cracked it open as soon as I got home.

The beer was very smooth. There is a rich taste of malts that is followed by a sweet light caramel taste. The finish was a perfectly hopped. They were light and smooth and it went down very easily.

Unfortunately for Brian, I will probably drop by his office every time I drive by to see if he has a spare bottle of his amber brew laying around. This would be a big seller if he had it in a liquor store. Sorry that you guys can't buy this, but take my word for it. It was awesome!

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