Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Shiner Holiday Cheer

My wife and some of her friends always complain that I never give a bad beer review on this blog.  My response to her/them is always the same, "I like beer......pretty much all beer."  Well get ready, here comes a bad review.

If you have read my reviews of Shiner beers, you know that I am a big fan of the Spoetzl Brewery.  That is why it pains me to give this poor review.

Shiner Holiday Cheer is an amber wheat ale with a 5.4% ABV.  So far so good.  It is brewed with Texas peaches and roasted pecans.........there's the kicker.  This combination just doesn't work.  The taste is a little too sweet with the artificial tasting peach and pecan flavors.  I would rather smell this beer than drink it.  In fact, it was a chore to actually finish this beer.  But I did finish it ...........because I am not a quitter.  However, I did not finish the whole six pack because there was a little accident.  I was taking the sixer out to my beer fridge in the garage when I accidentally dropped the beer.  As a result, three beers were destroyed.  It was not the first time that I have done this, but I think that it was the first time that I really wasn't that upset.  The only thing that upset me was that I had to mop up beer on my floor.

So there you have it.  A bad review of a beer, and one from a brewery that I really like!  I don't like bad beer reviews........hopefully these are few and far between.  Maybe the silver lining is that now my wife and her friends will get off my back for a while.

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