Sunday, September 30, 2012

Sawtooth Ale

 This is another beer from the Left Hand Brewing Company.  I like this one even better than the Polestar Pilsner, which I did not think would be the case.

Unlike some ales that I drink/try, this one was full of malt.  You can see that(hopefully) by its amber color in the picture.  Another thing that I liked was that it didn't have an overpowering and lingering aftertaste.  The 5.3% ABV was pretty nice too.

I could see myself drinking a lot of this beer whether it be out of the tap, or in this case, from the good ole bottle.  Unfortunately, I might have to drive to the St. Louis area to find this beer.  I don't believe it is sold in my area.

Monday, September 24, 2012

Polestar Pilsner

image courtesy of

I believe that this is the first beer that I have tried/reviewed from the Left Hand Brewing Co. from Longmont, CO.  I think JT has reviewed at least one from this brewery.

I was provided with this beer by my gracious neighbor Chris.  He grabbed a couple different brews from Left Hand from a big time beer store in the St. Louis area called Friar Tuck.  I have never been to or heard of this store, but I definitely want to check it out sometime.

This beer was pretty dang solid!  It took me trying two of these beers to realize that it was a very good find.  It obviously tasted like a true pilsner, but didn't have that what I call the "European" taste to it.  Unlike those, I could see myself sitting down and finishing a sixer of these.  And with the 5.5% ABV, I would be feeling it afterwards.  I can't wait to find and drink more beers from the Left Hand Brewing Company.  If you get a chance, pick this up and try it.

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Samuel Adams Whitewater IPA

Yet another beer...........yet another Sam Adams beer.  Had to get this beer because I had never seen it.  

I usually shy away from IPA's but am lured to "whites" or "wits".  I figured this beer to be similar to the Shocktop Wheat IPA........a combo between an IPA and a wit.  

To be honest, it was a little too much IPA for my taste.  Looks like an IPA and has the IPA aftertaste.  

If you love the hops........try this one.  I, however, will not try this one again.  I am a fan of too many of the other great Sam Adams brews.  Don't know unless you try...........right?

Monday, September 10, 2012

80-Acre Hoppy Wheat Beer

Image courtesy of
As everyone knows who reads this blog, I really love the beers from Boulevard.  This is the true reason I purchased this beer.  I guess it is new, because I had never seen it before. is new to my "region."

As you can see by the picture, it is a good looking beer with a very creative label.  Nice color with a 5.5% ABV.

Unfortunately, I was a little underwhelmed by this beer.  Don 't get me wrong, I enjoyed the sixer that I bought (and finished in one evening.)  I felt like this beer was simply a combination of the Single Wide IPA and Unfiltered Wheat.  You really taste the IPA at first...then it gives way to  the wheat with a very evident citrus finish.   Reading what I am writing right now I can't believe that I didn't fall in love with this beer.  I just didn't.  I would definitely drink this if I found it on tap somewhere but I will probably not purchase a sixer of it again.  Glad I tried it though.