Sunday, August 12, 2012

Leinenkugels Original Lager (JT's Review)

Everyone knows about Leinenkugels beer from Chippewa Falls, Wiscinsin. I have enjoyed a ton of their different beers. One thing that never really occured to me was that they didn't have just a normal old lager. I just assumed that they didn't make one, but I never really gave it much thought? Several weekends ago, my friend Ross was down from Wisconsin for his granddaughter's birthday. He brought, among other beers, some Leine's Lager. I can't wait to review some of the other beers. They were excellent, and he brought me some Nude Beech from Point Brewery which I have reviewed on the blog. It is one of my favorite summer seasonals.

The beer was just like you would expect it to be. It was a medium bodied American lager. It was very similar to a Budweiser or Coors Original. It very much had the Leinenkugel stamp on it.

I enjoyed several of these beers(cheers to you Ross!) It is the kind of beer that you can pair with just about any occasion, and you can drink it all day long. The best thing about it was that Ross told me that in Wisconsin, it sells for around 14 dollars a case in bottles or cans. I really wish we could get it in Arkansas.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Schlafly Yakima Wheat Ale/Hefeweizen Wheat(JT's Review)

Ok, if you can't tell, I have been on  a Schlafly beer kick lately. As many of you already know, I enjoy a good wheat beer. I am not as big a wheat beer guy as Brian, but I like them a lot all the same. I have been visiting the Macadoodle's in Missouri much more frequently as of late due to their much more extensive selection of beer(Arkansas distributing laws suck!). The other day I ran into a few more Schlafly beers that I haven't tried yet.

To be a hundred percent honest, I couldn't tell a huge difference between the two beers. They were both relatively smooth easy to drink wheat beers. The Hefeweizen Ale is unfiltered, so I took a little more care in the pour. It was a little lighter in color, and also in taste. The Yakima Wheat is one of the Schlafly brewer's choice seasonals. It was a little more hoppy, but it wasn't overpowering by any means. They claim that the hops are brought in from the Yakima Vally in Washington State.

The good thing to me about wheat beer is that if it is good, and most of it is, it fits any season. These are two beers that I will buy again.

My Review:  I have to agree with JT's review.  Not a huge difference between the beers.  What was weird is that the Wheat had more taste than the Hefeweizen.  I liked them both........maybe a little disappointed in the Hefeweizen.  The Wheat was better than expected.

Monday, August 6, 2012

Schlafly Oatmeal Stout‏ (JT's Review)

If you are a follower of our blog, you already know that Brian, Shawn, and I are all three pretty big Schlafly beer fans. It is brewed in St. Louis by The St. Louis Brewery. I have yet to try one of their beers that I didn't like. Through the blog I have also gotten to know one of the guys that works at the brewery. I hope to make it up to St. Louis for a Cardinals game and a tour of their facility soon.

Usually I don't drink a lot of stouts in the summer time, but I have been drinking a lot of Schlafly Summer Ale. I was up at the Macadoodles in Missouri, to pick some up, and I decided to also build a six pack. I found the Schlafly Oatmeal Stout and decided to give it a try.

The beer was somewhat like your typical oatmeal stout. It was very malty (which I like). It wasn't as sweet as I expected, but still good all the same. It definitely had the stamp of the St. Louis Brewery on it.

I highly recommend any of the Schlafly beers, and this one was no exception.

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Sierra Nevada Southern Hemisphere Harvest Ale ( JT's Review)

Sierra Nevada typically isn't one of my favorites. However, I have had my eye on the 24 ounce bottles of Southern Hemisphere Harvest seasonal. The other night, Shawn brought one over to share.

The intrigue of the beer is that apparently in the Southern Hemisphere, the seasons are backwards. During our spring, they are having fall. During their fall, Sierra Nevada gets a fall harvest of hops and makes this seasonal ale.

It was pretty good! It was, of course, very hoppy, but it had a nice malty flavor. The beer was smooth, and had a solid 6.7% ABV. For me. It wasn't a drink all day beer, but it went well with some chicken off of the grill.

If you see their 24 ounce bottles, pick one up. They aren't bad.

Point Burly Brown American Ale ( JT's Review)

Another brewery that I have really grown to like beer from is the Stevens Point Brewery from Wisconsin. One of my neighbors in laws live up there, and they are always kind enough to bring some down when they come. My favorite Point beer is their summer seasonal Nude Beech. We can buy Point Beer in Missouri, but they are usually sold out of Nude Beech. As I was building a sixer the other day, I ran across their Burly Brown.

I love brown ale's! This as a great beer. It was loaded with malts from start to finish. It had a robust taste that lingered between drinks. There was a distinct hopped finish, but it wasn't too much at all.

I can imagine that this is the perfect beer for those cold as hell winter days in Wisconsin. I think its a must try if you have a chance to pick some up.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Shoal Draft Pale Ale (JT's Review)

Image courtesy of

Image courtesy of

Palm Beach Brewing Company from Melbourne, Florida, is the maker of this most outstanding American Pale Ale. Shawn brought me one over from his stock that he received from the beer of the month club that his wife enrolled him in.

This is one of the best beers that I have tried in recent memory! It was very smooth from start to finish. It started with a light hint of hops, it then transitioned into a nice malty flavor, and then finished with a light crisp hopped taste. The word I would use to best describe it is "balanced".

This is one that I have got to figure out how to get in Arkansas or another state close by. If you see it, I think it is a must try.

Rusty Chain Vienna Style Lager (JT's Review)

Image courtesy of 

Rusty Chain is another beer that Shawn shared with me from his beer of the month club. I have got to join that club. This was another solid brew. It is made by the Flying Bison Brewing Company in Buffalo, New York.

At 5% ABV, it was just a very good smooth Vienna Style Beer. It had a ton of malts, which I really like and a soft mixture of hops to finish. It was very similar to the Oktoberfest beers that I like so much in the fall.

This may not be the best beer for summer seasonal people, but it really hit the spot for me.