Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Schlafly Yakima Wheat Ale/Hefeweizen Wheat(JT's Review)

Ok, if you can't tell, I have been on  a Schlafly beer kick lately. As many of you already know, I enjoy a good wheat beer. I am not as big a wheat beer guy as Brian, but I like them a lot all the same. I have been visiting the Macadoodle's in Missouri much more frequently as of late due to their much more extensive selection of beer(Arkansas distributing laws suck!). The other day I ran into a few more Schlafly beers that I haven't tried yet.

To be a hundred percent honest, I couldn't tell a huge difference between the two beers. They were both relatively smooth easy to drink wheat beers. The Hefeweizen Ale is unfiltered, so I took a little more care in the pour. It was a little lighter in color, and also in taste. The Yakima Wheat is one of the Schlafly brewer's choice seasonals. It was a little more hoppy, but it wasn't overpowering by any means. They claim that the hops are brought in from the Yakima Vally in Washington State.

The good thing to me about wheat beer is that if it is good, and most of it is, it fits any season. These are two beers that I will buy again.

My Review:  I have to agree with JT's review.  Not a huge difference between the beers.  What was weird is that the Wheat had more taste than the Hefeweizen.  I liked them both........maybe a little disappointed in the Hefeweizen.  The Wheat was better than expected.

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