Monday, September 10, 2012

80-Acre Hoppy Wheat Beer

Image courtesy of
As everyone knows who reads this blog, I really love the beers from Boulevard.  This is the true reason I purchased this beer.  I guess it is new, because I had never seen it before. is new to my "region."

As you can see by the picture, it is a good looking beer with a very creative label.  Nice color with a 5.5% ABV.

Unfortunately, I was a little underwhelmed by this beer.  Don 't get me wrong, I enjoyed the sixer that I bought (and finished in one evening.)  I felt like this beer was simply a combination of the Single Wide IPA and Unfiltered Wheat.  You really taste the IPA at first...then it gives way to  the wheat with a very evident citrus finish.   Reading what I am writing right now I can't believe that I didn't fall in love with this beer.  I just didn't.  I would definitely drink this if I found it on tap somewhere but I will probably not purchase a sixer of it again.  Glad I tried it though.

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