Monday, December 19, 2011

Schlafly Winter ESB

I will try any and every Schlafly beer........especially if it is a seasonal.  Well, we are in the winter months so why wouldn't I try the Schlafly "winter ale?" 

I really didn't notice the "ESB" when I bought the six pack.  ESB stands for "Extra Special Bitter."  I became really nervous.  I try to avoid beers that are bitter.

This beer poured the color of a pale ale........not what I expected of a "winter ale."  Then I smelled it.  I got even more nervous because it smelled mostly of hops. 

The first thing that I tasted was hops......but it lasted just a bit...........and then disappeared.  It then turned malty.  The label says rye flakes are added to balance the flavor and add some body.  Whatever it is..........I LIKE!  I also like the 5.8% ABV.

In conclusion, this beer is legit...and a little deceptive.  It doesn't really look or smell like a winter ale, but who cares.  I will drink it in the winter time because it is good.  Nice curveball Schlafly!!

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