Saturday, December 17, 2011

NATTY DADDY Lager‏--JT's Review

Let me start this review by saying that I am not too good to drink Natural Light. As a matter of fact, it was the first beer I ever tasted, so it holds a special place in my heart. The Natty Daddy held a special place in my headache this morning. It was not very good.

I saw it the other day in Macadoodels and felt obligated to give it a try. I bought a 24 ounce can of it and split it 3 ways with my neighbor Shawn and my brother. My brother quickly poured his portion into my glass.

I had a really strong metallic taste, but otherwise, not much taste at all. The can says " brewed with Natural Light's all-natural ingredients". It is 8% ABV, so you can get a solid bang for the dollar and four cents that it costs.

This is a beer that might be good after you have had a 12 pack or so, and you really can't taste very much anyway. If you go down that road, I would advise you to take your favorite headache medicine and have a large glass of water before bed.

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