Friday, December 9, 2011

Schlafly Coffee Stout

As I have made it known before, I really like the beers made by this brewery in St. Louis.  But, I will be honest, I didn't know if I would like this one.  I had not tried a coffee stout(of any brand) before. 

This particular one is brewed with St. Louis' own Kaldi's coffee and combined with the Schlafly Oatmeal Stout.  For someone that doesn't really drink coffee I really enjoyed this beer.  Like most stouts, you just can't sit back and pound these bad boys.  But, this brew makes a great after dinner beer or just a beer to sip on in this cold weather.  This beer has made me a fan of the coffee stout.......and who knows......maybe even coffee.  If I wouldn't get fired from my job, I could see myself starting my day with this.  Maybe I should move to Germany.......where that kind of thing is acceptable.

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