Monday, December 19, 2011

Brekenridge Oatmeal Stout‏--JT's Review

Ten years ago I would have never tried this beer. I guess my tastes have matured to where it is really good to me now.

Breckenridge Brewery is in Denver, and was founded in 1990 by Richard Squire. All he wanted to do was ski and drink beer, which I find to be a noble way to spend time. He lived in Colorado, so he just had to find a way to make money at drinking. Natural he opened a brewery.

His Oatmeal Stout is very similar to a coffee stout. There is a definite tone of coffee but also some chocolate flavoring. It is really dark, but surprisingly only has an ABV of 4.95.

I thought it was a great beer, but it wasn't one that you could drink on all day. Its worth a try for sure, but a sixer should last you a while.

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