Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Samuel Adam's Alpine Spring Lager‏--JT's Review

This is a new seasonal from Sam Adam's. It is classified as an unfiltered lager. I thought it was really good.

The flavor was citrusy and refreshing, but it also had that good lager taste . There was no doubt that it was a Sam Adam's brew by the finish.

I am a big fan of most of Sam Adam's beers. I think this was another winner. Shawn brought it over in another sampler pack. Hopefully they will come out with it in individual six packs soon.


  1. I have to make a correction, this is my favorite spring brew of the year!!! I love the Alpine Spring!!!! Very refreshing!!! I would buy this beer year around, and plan on it being a staple in my fridge until the season changes.

  2. I really like this one too. I have tried to keep it in stock since they started selling it by itself. I hope they keep it around for a while.
