Sunday, January 8, 2012

Point St. Benedict's Winter Ale‏--JT's Review

If you remember when we first started doing this blog, I reviewed a summer seasonal from Wisconsin, called Nude Beach, made by Stevens Point Brewery. I thought it was great! This review is for their seasonal winter ale. I liked it a lot as well.

Typically not the biggest fan of Ale's, I am learning to cope for the sake of drinking winter seasonals. This was one of the better winter ales that I have tried. I think the thing that I liked about it so much was that it had an excellent malt combination. The malts tasted roasted but also sweet like chocolate. It was pretty hoppy, but it finished smoothly and the hops didn't linger too much. The ABV was 6.2%, but what was surprising was that it has 213 calories per bottle. I knew some of these beers were a little higher in caloric content, but that seemed high to me.

All in all, this was one of my favorite winter seasonals. If you run into it, it is one worth trying.

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