Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Widmer Brothers BRRR Seasonal Ale‏--JT's Review

To my knowledge, this was the first Widmer Brothers beer I have ever had. They are a relatively young brewery, opening in 1984, in Portland, Oregon. If all of their beer is this good, I will be working through their beer list soon. This was an excellent winter seasonal!
My first drink surprised me a little bit. I am used to ale's having a hoppy taste for the finish. This one hits you with the hops immediately. Following the hops, you get a great assortment of malts. I tasted caramel and dark chocolate for sure, and there was something else that I can't put my finger on, but it was really good! The finish was easy and smooth.
I really liked this one a lot. I am going to look for Widmer Brothers beer in the future!

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