Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Paulaner Salvator Double Bock

As I have written before, I love bock beers.  So what's better than a bock????  A double bock, of course!!  And this double bock is a DAMN good beer.

I have had other Paulaner beers before(all of which I have liked), but this one takes the cake.  This brewery is very deep in tradition.  You can read the back story on a variety of web pages.  Basically, they are "old school" and do it the right way.  This Salvator Double Bock has been patented since 1896.  It was first brewed by the Paulaner monks in the monastery.  Let me tell you, they know how to do it!

This beer is a deep copper color with a kickin' 7.9% ABV.  This beer is not boring.  It is very sweet and rich.  There is a lot going on in this brew........on every drink.....which is good.  Can you drink many of these in one sitting?  Maybe!!!  I would surely try! 

This has to be one of my favorite double bocks so far.  It reminded my just a bit of the Chimay Blue that I reviewed.  Very interesting and very tasty.  If you like sweet and malty beers...........you have to sample this one.

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