Monday, November 28, 2011

Sam Adams Chocolate Bock‏--JT's Review

photo courtesy of
 My good friend, and excellent beer drinking friend Shawn brought over a seasonal box of Sam Adams the other night. Ten years ago, I would have never dreamed of trying a Chocolate Bock. I really enjoyed this beer a lot. The bocks, tend to fit my tastes, and this one was perfect!

We poured them in a glass, and held them up to the light. No light came through at all. At one time that would have been a big turn off for me. The malts jump out at you at the first sip. There is a quick dash of citrus, and then chocolate follows in the finish. It was outstanding.

It is no doubt a sipping beer, but very good none the less.

1 comment:

  1. Please link the photo to the post where it was originally published and give attribution for the photo to
