Thursday, November 3, 2011

JT's Public Service Announcement‏

This has absolutely nothing to do with reviewing the flavor of a beer. I just had a beer drinking break through, and thought I would share.

For those that know me, they know I love beer. I love beer of all kinds that are not Miller Lite. My "meat and potatoes" are Bud/Busch Light. I love to try new beers, but day in and day out, Anheuser Light beer is what I live on.

I also love sports, specifically baseball. Naturally, I love to sit in my recliner, drink beer, and watch sports. Here's the problem: I have to get up to get another beer way too often. On occasion, I have set a cooler by the chair. That presents two problems. First, my wife tends to frown upon that most of the time. Second, there are dead soldiers piled up on the end table, and therefore it is easy to quantify how much I have drank. If I have to keep getting up, it becomes very obvious how quickly each beer is consumed. Usually that is frowned upon as well.

My solution is so obvious, but it took me so long to arrive at. The answer is 40 ounce bottles. No more jacking around with 12 ouncer's for me. Now in a 9 inning game, I only have to get up 3-5 times. I used to think they were only for the ride home from the beer store. I see the genius in quantity now.

The next time you settle in for the sporting event of your choice, try it with the man sized bottle!

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