Thursday, November 24, 2011

New Belgium Snow Day Ale‏--JT's Review

I have always been forthcoming with the fact that I am a sucker for marketing, and a beer label is no different. With the weather getting cooler, I have been thinking about some heartier winter time beer. At Macadoodle's there other day, I saw Snow Day Ale. It has a picture of a nice warm house where they have to be snowed in. That's all it took for me.
The beer was ok. I am not a huge ale fan,(for whatever reason I keep trying to convince myself that I am?). It was pretty dark, and more hoppy than I usually like. However, there were enough brewing spices in there to dull the prevalent hoppy flavor to make it ok. I thought there was a hint of vanilla, but my neighbor Shawn pointed out that it was clove.
Not my favorite beer, but certainly not bad. If you are into ale's, go for it. I think you will like it.

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