Monday, November 7, 2011

Shock Top Pumpkin Wheat

Shock Top Belgian White good............Shock Top Raspberry Wheat not very good.......Shock Top Pumpkin Wheat mixed reviews.  I will explain.

Pumpkin brews are seasonal beers.......which some might consider to be somewhat of a gimmick.  I'm fine with "gimmick" pumpkin beers, in fact, I really enjoy them......if they are full of pumpkin flavor.  This beer was a little too light on the pumpkin for me.  That doesn't mean that I didn't enjoy it.  I drank the whole six pack in less than a week.  This beer are for those who just like a bit of pumpkin flavor.

The good thing about this beer is that you could actually drink it with a meal (unlike some pumpkin brews).  I drank one with a bowl of chili and it worked out nicely.  If you like wheat beers and pumpkin beers, definitely give this a shot.  Also, it's pretty easy on the wallet being a good ole Anheuser product.

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