Sunday, August 7, 2011

Saranac Summer Ale

Summer is almost over, but there are still summer brews to be consumed.  Saranac Summer Ale is brewed up in Utica, NY.  Once again, I had to go to a different part of the state to run into this beer.  The bad thing about summer beers is that, of course, they are seasonal and aren't around the entire year.  I am pretty much a fan of all summer brews.  This one I really enjoyed.  All summer beers are pretty similar........they are all light and have some sort of citrus flavor.  This beer had just the right amount of that.  It had a little lemon to it, but not too much.  It was also really "easy drinking."  You could take this with you to the golf course, lake, or cookout and not get tired of it.

By the way, I hope everyone noticed the nice presentation of the bottle in the above picture.  My wife took the picture and insisted on the "professional" look.  Once again, just glad she supports this.

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