Sunday, July 1, 2012

Trader Joe's Vienna Style Lager (JT's Review)

picture courtesy of

Also known as Joseph's Brau, hence the initials JB on the bottle cap, Trader Joes Vienna Style Lager is brewed in San Jose, California. Shawn's wife Hanna made a special stop for us to build a couple of six packs on her way home from a business trip in Missouri. This was one of the samples she brought back.

As most of you know, I am a huge fan of darker lagers. This beer was no exception. It poured a nice copper color with a solid foamy head. It smelled a little sweet and malty. The flavor was smooth and rich. I got kind of a toasted caramel flavor. The finish was easy with just a little bit of a hoppy bit at the end.

This one was a total winner for me. A box of these on a cold winter day will really hit the spot!

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