Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Hoegaarden Original White and Boulevard ZON

I decided to review these two beers together since they are both "wits" or "whites."  I have actually had both of these beers SEVERAL times before.  I really like "wit" beers and I really like these two.  

The Hoegaarden is hard to beat.......especially with that awesome name.  It pours a little lighter in color than the ZON.    It has great carbonation.  This beer has a little more prevalent taste of spices and a little more ABV of 4.9%.

The ZON is yet another great creation from Boulevard.  It has great carbonation as well and has a much more "wheatier" taste and feel to it.  It has a real prevalent citrus characteristic.  A little more than the Hoegaarden.  Its ABV is 4.4%. 

I would suggest trying both of these beers, especially on these hot summer days.  But if you have to choose one (which would be sad), I would choose the ZON.  It doesn't cost as much as the Hoegaarden and actually has a little more beer in the bottle (Hoegaarden has just 11.2oz).

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