Friday, October 7, 2011

Sapporo Light--JT's Review

We have all had Sapporo at the local sushi bar or Shogun restaurant. I have always liked it fine, but I never felt like I could drink more than a couple of them. Usually what happened is that I got full from the Sapporo, and then I got into the Saki. That never ended well...
Now, through another six pack builder, I have found that there is a Sapporo Light. It is really good. It has that same Sapporo twang, but it is a little more subtle. It is pretty light and smooth, but still retains enough flavor to be good. I find it to be a nice change.
If you like Sapporo, but you also enjoy light beer, this is a winner. I would say Sapporo Light is to Sapporo as Corona Light is to Corona. Enjoy!

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