Sunday, October 30, 2011

Samuel Adams Cream Stout

Well, it's getting cooler (finally) outside, so I guess we are rolling into "stout" season.  That means good for the taste buds..........bad for the pursuit of the flat belly. 

I haven't always been a fan of this type of beer, but I guess my taste has matured........unfortunately, so has everything else.  I am also finding myself trying and enjoying more and more Sam Adams beers.  This cream stout just added to that list.

When I first saw this beer in the cooler at the local beer store I really had no desire to try it.  Just the name "Cream Stout" is a little intimidating/frightening.  I am glad I bought a six pack of it. 

It is a typical "chocolate" stout with all the malts and flavors you expect.  However, it wasn't as thick as I expected.  Don't get me wrong, I couldn't sit down and drink all six, but two or three would be no problem......even with food.  It had just the right amount of sweetness with no overpowering aftertaste.  I will definitely be purchasing more in the upcoming months.  Samuel Adams is beginning to win me over.

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