Thursday, October 6, 2011

Presidente‏--JT's Review

Known as the beer of the Dominican Republic. Presidente beer has been being brewed and sold In D.R. Since 1929. I first had it in St. Thomas when my wife and I were on a cruise several years ago. I really liked it a lot, and it was cheap down there. I ran into a six pack the other day that one of my friends brought back from Tennessee . I could not have been more excited!

Presidente has a really nice smooth taste. You can tell that it is a Latin import because of the slight twang, but it isn't too much at all. I really like it a lot.

There are 14 states and Washington D.C., that sell it in the U.S. They are basically all East of Arkansas except for Louisiana. I have sent an email to the Cerveceria Nacional Dominicana Brewery requesting for it to be opened up for sale in Arkansas. I'll let you know if they respond.

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