Sunday, October 23, 2011

Sam Adams Longshot Blackened Hops‏--JTs Review

photo courtesy of
Another of the Longshot brews... I liked it ok. It grew on me as I drank it. Rodney Kibzey from Illinois is the creator of the Blackened Hops for the Longshot contest.

Here is my take on this beer. First of all, it is 7.0% adv, so nice work Rodney. It will come as no surprise to you that it is very HOPPY. It is almost black when you pour it in a glass, but it smells pretty good. As hoppy as it is, there is a nice taste of malts, and a note of coffee(I'm a big coffee drinker too). There is some bitterness in the aftertaste, but it turns out to be smooth.

Not a bad beer in my opinion. This isn't a tailgater, but for a few cold ones after work, it is pretty solid!

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