Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Boulevard Bob's 47 Oktoberfest‏--JT's Review

Once again, my neighbor put me on to a winner! Boulevard always makes good beer, but for some reason I have not run into their version of Oktoberfest. I'm glad I did. It was very good.

My first question was why Bob's 47 in the name. What I found out was, that it is a tribute to Bob Werkowitch who was a master brewer and graduated from the US Brewer's Academy in 1947. I'm still a little unclear of the connection, but there you have it.

On to the taste. Bob's 47 was a little stronger than some of the Oktoberfests that I have tried latley, but in a good way. There is a strong taste of toasty malts, followed by what I thought was a pretty strong hoppy bitterness. There is also a nice undertone of caramel. It had a nice dark amber color when I poured it into the glass, and was as tasty as it looked.

Everyone knows that I really like Oktoberfest beers. This was no exception. Another winner from Boulevard!

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