Tuesday, April 10, 2012

New Castle Limited Edition Founders Ale‏ (JT's Review)

My brother is a huge New Castle fan, and I have grown to like it a lot too. When I saw their limited edition founders ale, I was excited to try it even though ale's usually aren't my thing.

I thought it was ok, but my brother didn't finish his glass. In all fairness, he poured it around 9 pm, which is very close to his bed time. Anyway, the beer defiantly had the "New Castle stamp" on it. It had a nice malty start, and finished with a soft hoppy flavor. The hops weren't too much, which I liked about it. There just seemed to be something missing in the middle. The best way to put it was that it lacked the depth I was looking for.

I thought it was ok, but I don't think I will try it again. There is way too much good beer to settle for just ok.

My Review:  I really liked this beer!!  I agree a lot with JT's review.  There just wasn't a tremendous amount of uniqueness to this beer, but that is OK, unless you are looking for that.  I feel that this is a very solid beer that I could drink a lot of.........in one sitting..........or more.  I would have to have a little more coin in my pocket though to afford very much of it.

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