Monday, April 16, 2012

Diamond Bear Two Term Double IPA

So I was really hesitant on buying this beer.  Luckily, I was able to purchase it through a "build your own" six pack.  So, if I didn't like big deal.  I obviously want to like every beer.  I really want to like all Diamond Bear brews because they are brewed in the great state of Arkansas (Little Rock).

I was hesitant for two reasons.  The first being that I am not a big fan of IPAs, much less Double IPAs.  Second, I have not really liked any of the beers from this brewery. 

This review will be short and sweet.  It tasted like a typical IPA.......hoppy and spicy.  What set it apart for me was the 8.5% ABV.  If I am going to drink an IPA, it better pack a punch like this one.  So favorite Diamond Bear selection.

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