Monday, April 16, 2012

Bell's Pale Ale‏ (JT's Review)

From my past reviews, you know I am neither a Bell's fan or a pale ale fan. However, Shawn hooked me up with this one some time back, and I just got around to drinking it last night. I have to admit that I was very pleasantly surprised.

I was beginning to wonder if the Comstock, Michigan brewery had a product that was any good? I liked the fact that it had a 5.2% ABV, which I think is solid for a pale ale. The write up on the label describes it as a blond ale. I found that to be an accurate assessment. The malts were light, but had a nice soft sweet flavor. It was lightly hopped in the finish. The after taste was smooth and didn't linger too long. It was somewhat heavily carbonated, but not too bad.

All in all, a very solid beer. I will buy this one again!

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