Sunday, March 4, 2012

Samuel Adam's Whitewater IPA‏ (Shawn's Review)

I have been drinking Sam Adams religiously since around 2002. I love their beers and have since my first taste. As a result, it pains me to have to give a not raving review about a Sam Adams beer.
The S.A. folks recently released some new brews, one of which was their Whitewater IPA. Now, I am normally a fan of IPA’s and have really grown to appreciate their complex flavors and surprising bite. Upon opening the Whitewater, it gave the same pleasant aromas of an IPA. Upon taste the hops were definitely there and they were strong! Probably too overpowering for my liking. But I can adapt to hops, that is not an issue. The issue was the taste. There was on overpowering flavor of sap that I could not shake. I do not know why, but it was there and it ruined this potentially wonderful brew for me.

1 comment:

  1. Shawn and I have a little different taste in beers, but neither of us liked this one. I reviewed this one back in February. I don't usually like IPA's, but I do like Sam Adam's beer. This one just didn't do it for me.

