Thursday, March 1, 2012

Mission Street Pale Ale (Shawn's Review)

Today’s sample arrives at my Rogers, Arkansas home via St. Louis (my wife had a conference) via Paso Robles, California, at Mission St. Brewery. The selection is Mission St.’s Pale Ale. I had trouble locating a web site for this brew and couldn’t give additional information on the brewery; therefore, on to the tasting!
This Pale Ale is smooth to drink and has a natural, floral feel to it. I would liken it to like drinking velvet lavender; not by taste necessarily, but by feel. It hits the mouth easy and fresh. It is light on malt and not overkill on hops.
It hits the front of the tongue wet and has a little bite in the middle, but finishes very smooth and goes down easy. There are hints of citrus zest that combined with the rest of the flavors make it disappear quickly, but I don’t think it is a beer that I could drink over and over. It is a 2 bottle and move on type brew but is pleasing in its flavors, aroma, and feel.

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