Monday, March 26, 2012

Hibernation Ale (JT's Review)

Confusing is the word that I would use to describe this beer. It is considered an ale, but it wasn't like any ale I have ever had.

Hibernation Ale is brewed in Denver by Great Divide Brewing Company. The bottle said "robust" and "malty". I was intrigued.

I usually love good malty beers. This beer is a real life example of too much of a good thing. It was a malt explosion. The best way for to describe it is this: three things I like a lot 1) fried chicken 2) Copenhagen 3) ice cream. I would not mix them in a bowl and expect them to taste good. That's what I felt like drinking this beer. The hops were really dry and it finished with an alcohol bite that was too much. It was 8.7% ABV, which could explain that.

The beer has won some awards, so try it if you dare, but you have been warned.

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