Thursday, March 8, 2012

Easy Street Wheat

Yet another beer that my neighbor was kind enough to hook me up with.  It's official.........I cannot and will not move.......ever  (if he insists on providing me with this "research.")

I have had other beers from Odell Brewing Co. (Fort Collins, CO), but never this one.  Like I have said before, I really like wheat beers.  This unfiltered beer is pretty good.  No real complaints.......It is an easy drinking, hazy wheat beer.  I could probably find myself drinking a lot of these in a day if the situation called for it.

The only thing is that there is nothing that really sets it apart from the other craft beer unfiltered wheats.  I would rather spend less money on an equal or better tasting wheat like Boulevard.  If you like wheat beers, by all means, try this one and tell me what you think.

Like JT says.............There are too many great beers out there for just "OK"

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