Thursday, February 16, 2012

Old Stock Ale 2011

photo courtesy of
 I actually drank this beer a while ago.  I really don't know why I have waited so long to review it.  Maybe I am trying to put the experience behind me. 

Let me say that I have tried and liked (and reviewed) several beers from the North Coast Brewing Company.  I really wanted to like this beer with its 12.5% ABV! This is the strongest beer I have ever tasted.  I wish that was a good thing.

To say that this is a "sipping beer" is an understatement.  In fact, it was hard to finish.  I actually gave several people some samples of this beer and they didn't finish it.  It was humorous to watch their faces as they tried it. 

I don't know if this is whiskey flavored beer or beer flavored whisky!!  I thought about mixing it with Coke.  If you like that warming feeling you get with whiskey.......then this beer might be for you.  I like whiskey.....but this beer is not for me.  I am just glad that this beer comes in four packs.  Hey, I might not be man enough to drink this beer.  I am OK with that.

1 comment:

  1. Please link my photo back to the original source of publication

    And please give attribution for the photo to
