Monday, February 27, 2012

Boulevard Tank 7 Farmhouse Ale

Another Boulevard Smokestack Series beer.  Another beer that my neighbor hooked me up with!  These Boulevard beers come in four packs.....just in case you are on the lookout for them.

Thinking back, I realized that I have had this beer before.  It was at a local restaurant, and it was on tap.  I really didn't know if I liked it was a little hoppy.    Thank goodness I gave it a second (and third) chance.  I REALLY like this beer!  It is not as hoppy as I remember.  I know that it has its own classification, but if I had to describe or classify it......It would be a struggle.  I love the carbonation.  I really love the 8% ABV.  It is a light, easy drinkin ale that finishes easy and crisp.

Just try it and see what you think!  All I know is that I was upset when I ran out of this beer.

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