Monday, September 26, 2011

Sudwerk Mai Bock‏--JT's Review

To this point I have been very satisfied with the products coming out of the Sudwerk brewery in Davis, California. I was told at Macadoodle's that the Mai Bock is a seasonal beer for them. I think that might be for the best.
I typically like bock beers, but this one wasn't my favorite. It had a funny twang that I wasn't able to put my finger on.  It had a nice malty start, and a decent smooth finish, but in the middle things just weren't right.
I was expecting another exceptional effort from Sudwerk, but the Mai Bock came up a little short for me. Depending on your tastes, it might be worth a shot, but it wasn't for me. So far, I have loved two of their beers and maybe the high expectation caused the third to fall short, but for now, I'm going to pass on a revisit of this one.

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