Thursday, September 22, 2011

Abita Turbo Dog

This is no doubt one of my favorite dark beers on the market.  I thought I would post a review of it now that we are entering the darker beer time of year.  I, however, drink this tasty beverage year around....... as do many.  That's what made this brew one of the flagship beers of Abita.

They call this beer a "dark brown".  I never really considered this beer a "brown."  I kind of threw this beer into the "stout" category.  As I have said before, I am not a beer expert.  Sometimes I get confused on all the beer categories.  Here's what I do know.......this "dark" beer is great.  Another great job by Abita.  This is a great beer for those who kind of shy away from the dark beers.  It's not as heavy as most and doesn't have that aftertaste that borders on nasty.  If you don't like dark least give this one a shot.


  1. I have not really tried many dark beers, I have always stuck with the ole Miller Lite taste. I need to step of my box and try one of your reviews....

  2. Mike,

    I would advise you to run from the taste of Miller Lite! Just kidding...kind of. I am a Bud/Busch Light drinker when it comes to my staple beer drinking. There are a lot of these beers that are really good to get the day started or to change up a long day of beer drinking. Go to your local beer store and see if they have build your own 6-pack option. It is a good way to try different things, and at least if you don't like something, you aren't stuck with an expensive 6-pack that you don't like.

    Have a good weekend of drinking!

