Friday, September 30, 2011

Leinenkugel's Oktoberfest Marzen‏--JT's Review

Let me first say that I am a big fan of Leinenkugel's beer. Second, I love Oktoberfest beers. This was a no doubt winner for me.

It had the perfect blend of barley malts and an outstanding smooth finish. No doubt, of all the Oktoberfest beers that I have had, Leinie jumped into the top three!

My only complaint is that it is a little pricey relative to other very good Oktoberfest's that I have had this season. I would have to say that Shiner makes an equally delicious version, and it is about $2.25 a six pack cheaper. If all things were equal, I would have a hard time not choosing this one.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Sudwerk Mai Bock‏--JT's Review

To this point I have been very satisfied with the products coming out of the Sudwerk brewery in Davis, California. I was told at Macadoodle's that the Mai Bock is a seasonal beer for them. I think that might be for the best.
I typically like bock beers, but this one wasn't my favorite. It had a funny twang that I wasn't able to put my finger on.  It had a nice malty start, and a decent smooth finish, but in the middle things just weren't right.
I was expecting another exceptional effort from Sudwerk, but the Mai Bock came up a little short for me. Depending on your tastes, it might be worth a shot, but it wasn't for me. So far, I have loved two of their beers and maybe the high expectation caused the third to fall short, but for now, I'm going to pass on a revisit of this one.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Ellie's Brown Ale‏--JT's Review

I was drawn to Ellie's because of the chocolate lab on the front of the bottle. I'm a sucker for what I think is cool packaging every time.

It wasn't as good a beer as I had hoped for, but it was ok. It had a sweet maltiness, but transitioned into a mix of nuts and vanilla flavoring. I rarely say this, but at 5.5% alcohol, it may have been too strong for this beer. The finish was a dry alcohol taste that wasn't great.

Brewed by the Avery Brewing Company in Boulder, Colorado, Ellie's Brown Ale is one of the many beers that they produce. I will be open to trying more of their products, but it will be a while before I give Ellie another shot.

Estrella Damm Lager‏--JT's Review

Estrella Damm Lager is brewed in Barcelona,Spain. For those of you that have read my previous posts, you know that I am partial to lagers. This beer is no exception. 
The flavor starts out with a strong bit of malts, and finishes with a little bite. In between, there is a solid mix of brewing spices that is not too strong. On their web site, they claim that the flavor comes from using pearl rice in the brewing process. They also claim to be one of the few breweries in the world that produce their own malt barley in their own malt house.
If you like American style Lagers, this is a good change of pace. I would liken it to the Spanish version of Budweiser.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Abita Turbo Dog

This is no doubt one of my favorite dark beers on the market.  I thought I would post a review of it now that we are entering the darker beer time of year.  I, however, drink this tasty beverage year around....... as do many.  That's what made this brew one of the flagship beers of Abita.

They call this beer a "dark brown".  I never really considered this beer a "brown."  I kind of threw this beer into the "stout" category.  As I have said before, I am not a beer expert.  Sometimes I get confused on all the beer categories.  Here's what I do know.......this "dark" beer is great.  Another great job by Abita.  This is a great beer for those who kind of shy away from the dark beers.  It's not as heavy as most and doesn't have that aftertaste that borders on nasty.  If you don't like dark least give this one a shot.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Bitburger‏--JT's review

Of all of the beers that I have tasted and reviewed for this site, this is the best one. The only beer that I can think of that I might like better is Busch Light.
I bought the Bitburger as a part of another sampler six pack. It was excellent. It tastes a lot like a light beer that is brewed in the U.S., but it has a little more of a full flavor. It had a nice taste of hops at the end that was just right. 
There were several things that were interesting about it to me. First, it was 4.8% alcohol, which seemed high for how light it was. Second, the bottle was a little less than the normal 12 ounces. That was odd because it has 171 calories per bottle which, seemed high for how light it was.
Any way you slice it, this is one of the best beers I can remember drinking.

Leinenkugel's Summer Shandy

OK, this is the official end of the summer(2011) beer reviews!!  This was my favorite beer of the summer........and last summer......etc.  I can't decide if this is beer flavored lemonade or lemonade flavored beer.  Either way, I love this damn beer.  Some people might consider this beer somewhat of a gimmick brew.  Who really cares?!?!  I could drink these gimmick beers all day on the golf course........and have........more than once. 

So there you go.  The summer beer drinking season is officially you know what that means??  Bring on all the Octoberfest brews...........and the reduced prices on the left over summer ales!!!!

Monday, September 19, 2011

Asahi Draft Beer‏--JT's Review

This is one of the more interesting beers that I have tasted in a while. On the bottle it claims to be "super dry". That was a complete understatement. I admittedly don't have a lot of experience with "dry" beers, outside that of Bud Dry. It was much more dry than that. I found myself drinking it really fast, as it made me feel more thirsty with every drink, a good plan to insure that people drink a lot of your beer I guess?

Asahi, is Japanese for " Rising Sun". It's brewing heritage dates back to the late 1800's. It is now brewed in Canada by Molson, and imported by Asahi's U.S. branch.

Asahi was a decent beer. I would drink it again. It was a little more dry than I would have liked it to be, but if you like dry beer, it is exactly what you are looking for.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Samuel Adams Summer Ale

I know that summer is "officially" over, but I am doing my best to hang on..........through my beer.  First of all, let me say that I am a big fan of the Sam Adams brewery.  Note that I didn't say that I was a huge fan of their beers.  I love the fact that Sam Adams has so many varieties of beers.  It seems like they have a different beer for each day of the week......or year!

As far as the Summer Ale was above average.  It had all the good summer vibes to it, but just a little too much aftertaste.  I find that in several of the Sam Adams brews.  I did, however, drink one of these Summer Ales with a burger.  That was a lot better experience.  Pair this beer with some food.

Shock Top Raspberry Wheat

Regular Shock Top good!!!!  Shock Top Raspberry Wheat.........not good!!  If you like really raspberry flavored beer, then this might be for you.  I bought a six pack of this stuff over a month ago and I still have some left, if that tells you anything.  I actually have a hard time finishing these beers.  I tried to combine this beer with Guinness (I actually combined regular Shock Top with Guinness, which we called a "BlackTop," and was great).  The combination was still too dang sweet.  All I can say is sometimes you have "hits" and sometimes you have "misses". This was a miss across the board.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

JTs Labor Day Weekend part 2‏

The Labor Day drinking expedition went so well on Saturday, that we decided to have round 2 on Sunday night. The setting was a cookout at my brothers house, and my neighbor and I both had build your own six packs from the Missouri Macadoodle's.

The night got rolling with some Budweiser in their new cans (16 oz punders!). After supper, we dove into our samples. To bring these beer reviews to you, our loyal Brian's Beer Guide readers, I endured both ridicule from my wife, as well as a monster hangover.

Here is what I have to show from a great night of beer.

Phin and Matt's Extraordinary Ale‏--JT's Review

I usually could take or leave Ale's, and if they are too hoppy, I leave them. Phin and Matt's Extraordinary Ale was just about right.
Brewed at the Southern Tier Brewing Company in Lakewood, New York, it had a nice balanced flavor. They claim to use 3 types of hops and 3 varieties of malts. At 5.7% alcohol, it was smooth, and lacked the typical stale overtone that is usually in an ale.
I don't think I could get to the bottom of a cooler of these, but it was a nice change of pace.

Beck's Oktoberfest‏--JTs Review

In the last few weeks, I have rediscovered my love for Oktoberfest beers. Beck's is one that I have never tried. I really liked it a lot, and I'm usually not terribly fond of Beck's beer.
The smell of the beer had a strong sent of malts, so I knew from the beginning that I would like it. It tasted just like it smelled. It was very malty, and tasted a little sweet, but not too sweet. It was a little different than most of the other Oktoberfest beers that I have had, but I think I liked it the best 

Weston Ruddy Wheat‏--JT's Review

Weston Ruddy Wheat is from the Weston Brewery in Weston, Missouri. It was new to the brewery in 2010. 
It was a very different type of beer, but not necessarily in a bad way. It initially tasted like a really strong wheat beer, but the finish was more like an amber beer.
I thought it was a good beer, but I'm going to say that drinking very many of them would be a stretch. Certainly a beer that I would recommend trying, but do it in a sampler pack. 

O'fallon Gold‏--JT's Review

O'fallon Gold was by far my favorite beer of the evening! I could drink these one after another all night.

The Gold was the original beer brewed at the O'fallon Brewery. It is a golden ale that is incredibly smooth. It had a nice aroma in the glass, and the taste was delicious. It was a little bitter, and then had a caramel sweetness, that lead to a crisp finish.

The trip to Missouri is not too far to buy many more of these excellent beers!

Schlafly Oktoberfest‏--JT's Review

To be honest I was a little turned off by the arrogance displayed by the Schlafly label saying " The Saint Louis Brewery". As most everyone that knows me knows, I live by Anheuser beer. Although, I am not ready to concede total brewing rights to Schlafly, I will say that they make a damn fine beer.(I have already admitted to loving their pumpkin ale)

Schlafly's seasonal Oktoberfest was very good. it was an amber color that looked a little more light than most Oktoberfest beers. The taste was really full. There was a small presence of caramel, but it was not really very sweet. The malts were the majority of what I tasted, and I thought they were rich and smooth.

I really enjoyed this beer and I think if you like Oktoberfest lagers, you will too.

Goose Island Honker's Ale‏

It has been a long time since I drank Goose Island Honker's Ale. The first time I tried it was in Chicago about 10 years ago. It is brewed in Chicago and they have it on tap up there at most of the bars.
I haven't noticed in the beer stores in a while, so I was excited to have one. It is an English style ale that is redish brown in color. It is a little fruity at first, but it is very drinkable. 
I wish I had gone ahead and bought a six pack of it. I think anyone that tried it will agree that it's a solid choice.

Schlafly Summer Lager‏--JT's Review

The next beer that I tried after the Schlafly Oktoberfest was their Summer Lager. At that point in the night, it seemed to make perfect sense!
I was expecting it to have a summer shandy taste, but I was pleasantly surprised to find that it was simply a smooth lager. There was a light hint of brewing spices that I usually don't like, but they made it work here. It had a full flavor, but it wasn't so heavy that it was hard to drink.
I could drink these in much the same fashion as I do Budweiser. I thought it was really good, and I will buy it again.

Jack Whacker Wheat Ale‏--JT's Review

This is the point in the night when things took a major turn.(Which way they went depends on whether you ask me or my wife)
Tommy Knocker Brewery in Idaho Springs, Colorado makes Jack Whacker Wheat Ale. Apparently they use lemon grass in the brewing process.
The best way for me to describe this drink is "interesting". It is an unfiltered wheat beer, which I usually try to stay away from. However, with a name like that I couldn't resist giving it a try. It was a little bit dry, and had a bitter aftertaste. I won't say it was bad, but just "interesting". 
The real fun in trying this beer was the conversation piece that it became as we drank it. I also think that it played a huge role in the way my head was throbbing this morning when I got up.

400 Pound Monkey IPA‏--JT's Review

I have said this before on this site: I don't really like IPA's. My neighbor does, and so we ended up the night with the 400 Pound Monkey IPA.

By the time we got there, I had drank so much, that I can't really say that I didn't like it, but my head felt like I had a 400 pound monkey trying to get out of it this morning.

It was a little different than some of the IPA's that I have tried, but it still had that dry bite that I really don't care for. If you are an IPA drinker, I'd say you should give it a shot.

It came in a cool bottle, and has a catchy name, but that's about as far as I can go with it.

In Heat Wheat Hefeweizen‏--JTs Review

Why would you not give this a try? Be careful if you type it in on google. The choices that come up can certainly get you off topic.

It is brewed in Frederick, Maryland by Flying Dog Brewery. There is a quote on the label that says "good people drink good beer"! I was sold.

The beer itself was pretty average. It had a strong flavor of bananas and was a little too dry for me.

I doubt that I will buy it again, but I did save the bottle.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

JT's Labor Day Wkend of Samplin'

Ok....these posts/reviews should have been posted sooner.  I have been a little busy. Is that an excuse?????????  Maybe!!  Anyway, my boy JT had a good Labor Day weekend......I mean, he really worked hard for all us curious beer drinkers!!  The following reviews(Part 1) is from the saturday night of the holiday weekend. 

Diamond Bear Rocktoberfest‏--JT's Review

I am a little hit or miss with Diamond Bear beers. Some of them are really good, and some I don't like at all. I do, however, feel a state pride type of obligation to keep an open mind to their beer since they are brewed in Little Rock.
I will say that their Rocktoberfest lager is really good. It has a solid full flavor with a light hoppy bite at the end that isn't too much. The flavor has a definite Diamond Bear stamp on it, but it was good. My only problem is that it was really expensive relative other comparable Oktoberfest beers. 
At the end of the day, it was pretty good, and I will drink it again.

Point Oktoberfest‏--JT's Review

One of my favorite seasonal beers that I tried this year was Nude Beach Summer Wheat from Stevens Point Brewery. It was my first review on this site. Last night, I got to try their Oktoberfest Marzen. It was outstanding!!!
It had all the characteristics of a Marzen lager, with the unique Point Brewery overtone. The malts are very apparent, and it finishes smooth. It wasn't as strong as some of the Oktoberfest beers that I have drank, but it had a good full flavor.
I am a big fan of Stevens Point Brewery, and I'm looking forward to trying more of their beers!

Schlafly Pumpkin Ale‏--JT's Review

I have a confession to make in this review: I like Pumpkin flavored beer. Several years ago, I bought some of it, and I really like it a lot. However, I was ridiculed by my friends to the point that I didn't buy anymore of it.

Last night I had some Schlafly Pumpkin Ale and it was great! The flavor was extremely sweet, and it was very similar to eating dessert. (I really like pumpkin pie, so I guess it makes sense.) Like a good dessert, you wouldn't want to have too much, but it was a good way to polish off a great evening of beer drinking!

O'fallon 5 Day IPA‏--JT's Review

The IPA's are usually where my neighbor and I differ in our taste's for beer. He likes them a lot, and I usually could pass on them. Last night in the sampler pack he had an O'Fallon 5 Day IPA.

As IPA's go, it wasn't bad to me. As an IPA fan, he really liked it. The initial flavor was malty sweet, but it finished with a strong hoppy kick that was a little too strong for me.

Brewed just northwest of St. Louis, O'Fallon Brewery has been in operation since 2000. 5 Day IPA won an award in 2008 for being the best beer in St. Louis. If you like IPA's, this would be a good beer for you to try.

Barnwood Blonde Ale‏--JT's Review

Brewed in Sainte Genevieve, Missouri, by Crown Valley Brewing, Barnwood Blonde Ale was my favorite of last nights sampler pack! I had no idea that there were so many good craft breweries in Missouri.

I usually shy away from Ale's because of the after taste. However, this was an extremely smooth tasting beer from start to finish. I could see this being an any occasion beer. It was light enough that one could drink several, but in that, it didn't sacrifice any flavor. I am looking forward to trying more of the Crown Valley beers.

O'malley's Festival Ale‏- JT's Review

My neighbor, whom I regard as a very solid beer drinker, came through strong last night with a six pack sampler from Macadoodle's in Missouri. They have a different selection than what is available to us at the store in Springdale. 
The first beer that we tried was O'Malley's Festival Ale. It is an Irish style brown ale that is brewed in Weston, Missouri. It was very good beer. 
The combination of malts made it smooth, and it had a distinct hoppy flavor at the end that gave a nice bite. This beer would be tough to drink all day at a tailgate, but it would be excellent to have a few with a meal or at the end of the night!

Sudwerk Hubsch Lager‏- JT's Review

After my experience with the Sudwerk Marzen, I was really excited to try the Hubsch lager from Sudwerk. It did not disappoint at all!
As I stated in my previous review, Sudwerk is brewed and bottled in Davis, California. They specialize in making different lagers. In my research, I found that Hubsch is a German adjective meaning "pretty".
This was a really smooth full flavored beer. It had a unique aftertaste, but it was not too harsh. The more of it that I drank, the more it grew on me. It is a little pricey, but I found it to be worth the money. There will be more of these in my refrigerator soon!