Wednesday, July 27, 2011

FIRST POST!!.......Ever

Alright, so I guess this is my Beer Guide blog.  I will be honest, before this I had only ever seen one other blog, and it belonged to one of my wife's friends.  So what I'm trying to say is that I don't really know the rules, guidelines, etiquette, etc.  My wife came up with the idea of me doing this blog.  I think she gets really tired of me and my friends always talking about beer, and I know she gets tired of me trying to discuss it with her.  So I guess she figures I can do all of the "beer" talking on this thing.

Like I said, my friends and I talk a lot about beer. We talk about what we like, what we don't like, what we have recently tried, and what beer we want to try.  I like to compare it to my/our love of golf.  You always like to talk about the different courses you have played, ones you get the point.

I guess the real "goal" or "point" of this blog is just to review beers.  Which beers??? God willing.......all of them.  I use the term "review" quite loosely.  I will not use all that fancy beer lingo because you can read all that nonsense on the bottle/can or packaging.  I will not tell you or suggest what food should go with what beer.  If you like the beer, drink it with whatever food you want.  I will drink a Busch Light with a hamburger, and I will drink a Guinness with a hamburger.  This blog is not for "beer snobs."  It is very lowbrow.