Friday, December 16, 2011

Boddingtons Pub Ale‏--JT's Review

It has been a long time since I have enjoyed a Boddingtons. I picked up a couple at Macadoodle's in the 2 for 2 dollar deal. What a great set up!

The taste of the beer was good, and I will get to that in a second. Before I do, I want to cover the pouring directions on the can as they relate to the droughtflow system. What it is, is a bobber that inside the can that looks like what one would put on a fishing line(I tore the can open to look at it) . The intent is to help put air in the beer as you pour it.

I didn't see any real benefit to having it, but I still like the beer. It is a creamy flavored ale that is lightly carbonated. The head was strong as I poured it, and it seemed a little flat, but the flavor was solid. It wasn't too heavy, and had a nice smooth finish.

Boddingtons makes a good beer. It leaves a little to be desired, but if you get it at the right price, go for it. Its pretty solid

1 comment:

  1. I really like this beer too. I just wish it had a little more carbonation.
